Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Recommended and Free

From time to time, when I find something that encourages or challenges me, I'll try to make it a point to pass it on in this blog, with the hope that it encourages or challenges you, as well.  Today's recommendation comes with the added bonus of being absolutely free.
I downloaded Josh Garrel's album, Love & War & the Sea In Between several months ago, and few days have gone by that I have not listened to some snippet of it.  It is both musically and lyrically deep.
Garrells finds some fresh analogies for the Christian life, ranging from the haunting image of a white owl floating through a dark wood guided by instinct, or the shipwrecked sailor Ulysses bravely manning his faltering vessel through storms and reefs on his way home to his true love.  The song "Resistance" recognizes the difficulty and the importance of standing for Christ in a world that denies Him, while "Revelator" worshipfully recounts the powerful picture of Christ in the book of Revelation.  Garrels slips comfortably in and out of folk, rock, and hip-hop stylings, forging songs that are beautiful within each genre.  My guess is that you'll be encouraged by the album and enjoy it thoroughly-- but even if you don't, you're not out any money!
You can download it for free here:

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