Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Book of the Month: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

It’s going to take a bit of discipline on my part, but I’m going to try to read a new book every month and throw out a few thoughts on it.  We’ll start with a bestselling biography for the most obvious of reasons:  it was given to me as a gift, and didn’t require a trip to the bookstore or library!  Here’s some thoughts on Walter Isaacson’s authorized biography Steve Jobs:

The good:  Steve Jobs, of course, was one of the original founders of Apple and one of the driving forces behind its rise to become the most valuable company in the world.  I’ve never known a world without Apple products (the Apple II computer was released the year I was born, although only a handful of people ever owned or used one).  To someone who grew up alongside the personal computer, this book was a fascinating history of the technology behind an invention that all of us now take for granted.  I now know that many of the things I keep on my desk—from my phone to my ipod to my laptop did not suddenly appear out of thin air—they were the result of incredibly creative people working incredibly hard for an incredibly long period of time.  My own work ethic was significantly challenged by Apple’s determination to work hard to make excellent and innovative products.

The salty:  If  you happen to be one of the remaining three people on earth that haven’t read it, be warned:  there is some pretty rough language and a few vulgar comments scattered throughout the book.  Most of the offensive comments are direct quotations from Jobs himself, who prided himself on his brutal (and at times sadistic) honesty toward his friends and enemies.

The sad:  One verse haunted me as I read about Job’s life:  “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul.”  (Matthew 16:26).  Steve Jobs was arguably one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the last 50 years.  He built an enduring company that made innovative and useful products and he became very wealthy doing it, but Steve Jobs never found peace.  Early in the book, we see a young Jobs challenging the existence of God and staging a dramatic exit from his childhood church.  The book closes decades later on the eve of his death as Jobs ruminated on the odds of there being an afterlife.  I find it terribly sad that someone who led such a remarkable life never knew the hope of a salvation that outlasted this temporary life.   

The slightly creepy:  The Apple II was originally sold for $666.66, a price set by Steve Jobs himself.  Also, Steve Wozniak admitted a fascination with repeating the number 6 and chose a phone number ending in 666.  With a proliferation of outlandish guesses as to who the antichrist is, why hasn’t a pastor or television preacher ever suggested one of the founders of Apple Computers?  My guess is none of them want to give up their iPhones.

 The challenging:  The book mentions several people and companies who were offered incredible opportunities to get in on the ground floor with Apple (one poor guy signed on as a part owner, and then backed out.  He could have been a billionaire, but now lives on Social Security).  Most of these individuals shied away from the chance because they were afraid.  Computers, at that time, were for hobbyists and geeks—no one knew if there would be a broad market for them.  No one wanted to take the risk of losing money or quitting their job on a bet like that.  Even Steve Wozniak, the engineer behind the first Apples tried to play it safe, keeping his day job at Hewlitt Packard and making Apple a side hobby.  Eventually, it became clear that this was too big to be a hobby—he would have to commit wholeheartedly or step aside and let more willing engineers push forward.  He chose to take a risk, and is still reaping the rewards for that choice.  Perhaps it is a bit of a leap, but I began to examine my own faith.  Am I willing to take risks for Christ or am I content to play it safe with my faith?  Following Jesus cannot be a side hobby where I still keep my day job.  He requires laying everything else aside.  It’s a risky business, to be sure.  I could lose everything I have here on earth, but the eternal dividends are greater than any stock option Apple could ever offer.

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